New ADA guidelines on antibiotic use for patients presenting with acute dental pain and swelling have recently emerged. An expert panel

New ADA guidelines on antibiotic use for patients presenting with acute dental pain and swelling have recently emerged. An expert panel convened by the ADA suggests antibiotics should only be used when systemic involvement is present, and that immediate definitive conservative dental treatment (DCDT) should be prioritized in all cases.

Your understanding of these new guidelines and how to appropriately prescribe antibiotics going forward is crucial. Dr. Leslie Fang will go over everything you need to know during this webinar.

For more information on the Ultimate Cheat Sheets, click here

Never before has the business of dentistry undergone so many major changes in such a short period of time. While these shifts have been building for several years, most dental practice owners are ill-equipped to prevent the potential damage to their livelihoods that accompany these challenges. Still, a minority of practices are doing just that – meeting these challenges effectively, and even beyond that, enjoying never before seen prosperity. Join us, as Dr. Feck shares their secrets to success.

Is there a better way to achieve maximum cleaning and debridement of the root canal system? Yes! Dr. Frost believes there is a paradigm shift taking place behind the scenes in endodontics — are you seeing it? Over-preparing the cervical area of the root to allow needle irrigation further down the root is a thing of the past. We can conservatively scale down over-enlarging of the canal space, and at the same time, achieve better tissue dissolution and pulpal debridement with smaller needle irrigation and innovative technology!

Take a closer look at the restorative procedures we do most often in practice including direct restorations, conservative smile enhancements, routine crown and bridge. Learn clinical tips and tricks to allow for everyday dentistry to seamlessly blend with the patient’s dentition. Throughout the presentation, relatively low cost techniques and materials will be presented to decrease stress levels while delivering predictable and efficient dentistry.

Dental implants are one of the fastest-growing treatment modalities in general dentistry. Whether you are placing implants or treatment planning with a team approach, or even if you’re planning to place a fixed bridge after an extraction, there are distinct advantages to preserving the patient’s alveolar ridge at the time of tooth removal. By making socket preservation by bone grafting part of your daily routine, you can provide a valuable service to your patients and add a new revenue source to your bottom line.

For more information on this topic, please visit 

OsteoReady continues to evolve their education platform and focuses training on efficient, predictable, and safe techniques. They understand the needs of the General Dentist and have developed a comprehensive teaching model, complete with live surgeries, hands-on training, and both restorative and surgical techniques, to support faster implant implementation after a course. With an assortment of courses to choose from including on-demand online education, solution-based half day courses, and 2-day Mini-Residencies, OsteoReady is making implant dentistry more accessible for the General Practitioner.

We highly recommend purchasing  Dr. Fang’s Ultimate Cheat Sheets. This practical guide for dentists contains up-to-date information of the constantly-changing FDA mandates, emergency algorithms, and the steady stream of new drugs and their interactions.

Nearly every pertinent clinical issue is condensed into a simple, color-coded and user-friendly format to allow you to stay focused on keeping your patient safe.

A sample of the core material covered in The Ultimate Cheat Sheets includes:

  • Dental implications of the top 150 drugs prescribed in the U.S.
  • Instructions on how to manage a patient with Diabetes mellitus
  • What you need to know about a patient on oral anticoagulants
  •  Recommendations for when to avoid treating a patient with a history of angina
  • The proper protocol for treating a patient who requires antibiotic prophylaxis but is already on Amoxicillin for acute sinusitis

Click here to purchase your 2018 edition for only $149.00 (a $20 savings!)

By Dr. Lou Berman

Over the last two years I’ve had the opportunity to dig a little deeper and I found that I’m paying a huge markup, and my guess is that you are too.  Almost all dental instruments are sold through dental dealers who take about 40% of the purchase price. I was tired of being ripped off, so I decided to do something about it.

With the help of some incredible dentists around the country, I’ve founded Berman Dental Instruments. We’ve vetted instrument manufacturers, researched steel quality, and developed instruments so good, I’m proud to put my name on them. Stop paying ridiculously marked up prices and purchase quality dental instruments directly through us.

See for yourself:


Rubber Dam Forceps

“The unique design has a slightly longer beak, which allows easier rubber dam placement on posterior teeth.”

I used to pay: $125.00

Berman’s Pricing: $29.98!

– Dr. Lou Berman | Annapolis, MD



150 Universal Forceps

“At this incredibly low value pricing, it’s definitely worth having multiple surgical setups.”

I used to pay: $204.00

Berman’s Pricing: $32.98

– Dr. John Phillips | Chickasha, OK



2 PFI Composite Instrument

“I love this instrument because the composite doesn’t stick to it, it’s easy to clean, and works well in my hand!”

I used to pay: $26.98

Berman’s Pricing: $12.98

Dr. Jodi Danna | Plano, TX


4 1/2 Curved Iris Scissors

“A sharp pair of scissors is essential for precision and efficiency. The Berman scissors bargain pricing ensures zero tolerance for anything but the best in my hands.”

I used to pay: $15.49

Berman’s Pricing: $2.98!

– Dr. Matt VanderMolen | Springfield, IL



#23/CP-12 Expro (Explorer/Probe)

“This is a staple instrument in my office. I use the explorer/probe in every single setup, from basic exam kits to surgical kits and everything in between. The convenient color-coded periodontal probe is useful for pocket measurement, recession recording, measuring ridge width, measuring donor site outlines for grafting and much more. Having both instruments in one is efficient and saves space in the cassettes.”

I used to pay: $19.98

Berman’s Pricing: $6.98

Dr. Amy Creech-Gionis | Tampa, FL


1/2 Gracey

“As a periodontist, my office goes through many graceys per year. Berman’s value driven pricing helps keep my overhead in check!”

I used to pay: $17.50

Berman’s Pricing: $9.98

Dr. Pamela Ray | San Antonio, TX